Thursday, August 6, 2009

all bikes, trikes and children's ride-on toys came pre-assembled

Tim wouldn't be angry at Sophie's tricycle right now.

Sophia's second birthday is tomorrow and we got her a tricycle. Well this princess trike came in a box. A box, no parts are together whatsoever. As a parent you get used to this, but always ask WHY?!?!? I have no doubts that this tricycle will be put together soon, I just feel bad for Tim in the mean time. The directions are bunk, one of the pieces doesn't fit quite right, but he is plowing on!

I wish for a simpler time. A time when all bikes come from the store put together. Where all toys come OUT of a box (without those crazy ties and new things that keep a toy locked into it's box). I love Christmas and birthdays and watching the kids get excited opening presents. But I dread me having to open up the toys. UGH! It's rediculous, to the point where sometimes they don't all get opened for months. Yes, it is August and I think Joe still has one or two un-opened Christmas toys. Do you think he will notice if I re-wrap them for his birthday next month?

Attention toy companies: Make your products more parent friendly! Thank you.