Wednesday, April 22, 2009

...there was more time in the day.

Then perhaps: all of the laundry could get done; the house could always be clean; I could actually work on my scrapbooks; I could organize all of my things to scrapbook; I could experiment with baking different things and making them look really pretty; I could figure out how to do a different crochet stitch and maybe attempt a blanket; I could cook awesome meals instead of good quick ones.

Then again maybe I just need better motivation. I mean perhaps I should just quit my whining and make it happen. Let's see... laundry is in the wash (but there is still the issue of folding and hanging and putting away...yuck), the camping stuff is finding its place again, The scrapbooks will just have to be scheduled or the will never happen, same with the baking, hopefully my grandmother can teach me a new stitch tomorrow and as fore the awesome meals...ha! Maybe one a month (we wouldn't want to be too ambitious now).

So let's see, I need to schedule some work time. Ok, I can do that. By the end of next week, being Friday May 1st I will have baked something that I have never baked before (maybe not super pretty or anything, but you know, baby steps) and have posted a picture-fingers crossed) of how it turned out. I'll have to think about the scrapbooks later. I mean come on, the laundry is ready to be changed and I have to keep up with this whole there really is enough time in the day for everything attitude I'm going to try.

Wish me luck!

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